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When choosing accommodation, more and more people are paying attention to what sustainable criteria the houses, in which they spend their holidays, fulfill. More and more care is being taken to ensure environmental sustainability and social commitment, and above all to ensure that hotels use nature's resources with the greatest possible care. We present eight exceptional hotels built from recycled or natural materials - from Egypt to Valais. This week’s favorite:
A very environmentally friendly design hotel right on the beach in Miami. Doer Barry Sternlicht, who has already invented the W-Hotels, has set the goal of creating a hotel in South Beach where local resources are used and non-renewable resources are conserved. For example, paper consumption is significantly reduced. In the oversized, luxurious guest rooms there is neither paper nor plastic, but door handles made of driftwood. Even the room key cards are made of recycled wood and the ingenious water filter system saves around 200,000 water bottles per month. Absolute highlight: the huge pool on the roof terrace - the view from here over the city and the sea is unique. And at night there's a lot of partying going on up there. (double room from approx. 290 Euro, www.1hotels.com)
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